As Seen On...
World renowned artists Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse have developed an expansive media presence debuting their prominent and impactful artwork.
'Skyway 2024' Celebrates New York by Local
Artists at Five Area Museums
May 24, 2024 by Marty Fugate
Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse, who now live and work in St Petersburg, have created art together since they met in 2001. She has a background in philosophy; he’s always been a working artist; but they’re of one mind. “Water is life” is the shared creed animating many of their co-creations.

Wild Space Gallery Connects Art And
December 15, 2023 by Amanda Hagood
'Of all the pieces in this thought-provoking exhibit, I found myself most profoundly moved by two outsized paintings, each depicting water itself. “Memory of Water” and “Idea of Water” each use a 5-by-10-foot canvas to render in incredible detail the texture of waving water, with its variable shadows and delicate fringes of foam. Though slightly different in undertone (“Memory,” as always, is a bit warmer than “Idea”), both convey the cool humidity of ocean air, the feeling of a breeze, the perpetual, hypnotizing motion of waves passing below. Taking each in, I felt almost like a seabird riding the air, embraced in the very currents that hold our world together.'
Mickett/Stackhouse – Circle of Water
December 11, 2023 by Tony Wong Palms
'The exhibition titled Circle of Water reflects ongoing explorations by Mickett and Stackhouse into the nature of water, its quality, how it moves, evaporates, circulates and flows – and in general how water affects and enables life on the planet. And conversely, the effects that humans have on water.'

8 Art-World Insiders on What to See, Do,
Eat, and Drink During Miami Art Week
December 4, 2023 by SALOMÉ GÓMEZ-UPEGUI | Vogue
'Miami has become a remarkable hub for ocean innovation, and I’m particularly drawn to exhibitions around climate-centric art. Schmidt Ocean Institute, NAUTILUS, and UNESCO will present an ocean-themed exhibition and program at the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science that I’m excited about.'
Schmidt Ocean Institute, Nautilus, UNESCO
to Present Ocean Programme at
Art Basel Miami Beach
November 30, 2023 General Press Release
“By weaving together the worlds of art and science, we hope to captivate and educate the diverse audience that Art Basel Miami Beach attracts,” stated Nautilus Publisher John Steele.

Wild Space Gallery Brings The Great
Outdoors Inside
November 29, 2023 by Steve Newborn
A gallery infused with green recently opened in St. Petersburg's burgeoning Warehouse Arts District. It's one of the few art galleries dedicated solely to the celebration of Florida’s wildlife and nature.

Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse
June 14, 2023 by Robin O'Dell
What does it mean to be an artist? Not just to make art, but to actually be an artist? Is it temperament? We have all heard of the tortured artist who must create to exorcise the demons. Is it a skill requiring the mastery of your chosen field? Is it imagination? Can one even come up with a novel idea these days? I think everyone would agree that it is not just about making money and selling art, as we all know of talented artists who were never acknowledged in their lifetime. Does the name Vincent Van Gogh ring a bell?

A Man, A Plan, A Canal - Panama
December 17, 2021 by Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse
Robert Stackhouse and I (Carol Mickett) are on our 20th day aboard the Falkor. One way we keep track of days is by how many ice cubes (made of ocean water) we and the crew have thrown into the ocean. The array of ice cube paintings is a type of map of our journey since each painting includes the latitude, longitude, and water temperature at the time (2pm ship time) the ice cube went into the water.

Climate change plays heavy in latest Micket-
Stackhouse exhibition at Creative Pinellas
May 28, 2021 by Jennifer Ring
The Gulf is always changing—with the tides, with our atmosphere, and with our actions. Living off the Gulf of Mexico gave Mickett and Stackhouse a front seat to these changes and the scientists monitoring them. During their time in St. Pete, the two artists shared a building with the U.S. Geological survey. On their frequent visits, they learned about the layers of the ocean and saw maps of barrier islands which had washed away over time. These maps influenced much of their earlier work.

‘Expanding Waters’ explores Florida’s
rising sea levels
April 13, 2021 by Maggie Duffy
As the ecosystem of Tampa Bay is threatened by the dumping of millions of gallons of waste water at the Piney Point phosphate plant, local waters are on the top of everyone's mind. But for Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse, the urgency of the health and future of our waters have been informing their work for decades.

Fire & Ice
March-April 2021 by Cathy Salustri
When I visit the Tarpon Springs Studio Carol Mickett shares wither her husband and creative co-conspirator, Robert Stackhouse, ice cube trays are everywhere-- the old school metal kind with levers to pop out the cubes. They're on a table, in sketches, in a painting hanging on the wall and they figure prominently in the creative duo's last installation Expanding Waters. The trays, Mickett tells me, serve "as a symbol of mitigation."

Expanding Waters: Coffee with the Curator
– Celeste Davis
July 25 2021 by Celeste Davis and Danny Olda
Fill your cup and join us for Coffee with the Curator as we tour the Expanding Waters Exhibition. Curator Danny Olda will be joined by Celeste Davis, executive director, Tampa Bay Businesses for Culture & the Arts. Get an inside look as they discuss the art, artists, and highlights of the exhibition.

New Creative Pinellas exhibit offers
partnership between art and science
March 25, 2021 by Robert Boyd
It's a partnership between art and science at Creative Pinellas. Their newest exhibit uses paintings and sculptures to educate visitors on climate change and its impact on our waterways.
As you walk inside the Expanding Waters exhibit, the first thing you'll notice is the size of the art, but when you get a little bit closer, you'll also see the scientific significance of each piece.

Expanding Waters as a Social Practice
July 12, 2021 by Tom Winchester
Expanding Waters, held at the Gallery at Creative Pinellas from May 17 until June 13, 2021, demonstrated how art contributes to society. The collaborative artists Mickett-Stackhouse created an environment where viewers were welcome to participate in a discussion about the climate crisis.
USF CAM solo exhibitions contribute to
climate change conversation
January 28, 2020 by Julie Garisto
“Robert and I are water people,” Mickett says. “We have been interested in water as a metaphor for collaboration and global connection. We are also interested in what water provides for us, but also our responsibility for its health and well being. Now, especially with our waters warming from too much CO2 in our environment, we are concerned with ways in which the health of our waters can be restored.